October Speaking Dates

October Speaking Dates

I have two different local speaking engagements lined up for when Seltzertopia comes out next month – one in Queens and one in Manhattan – and I am equally excited for both. I hope you can come to one, or both (and if you plan to come please let me know)!

10.20.18 | 7:00 PM | Kew & Willow Books | Kew Gardens, NY

I am thrilled to launch the Seltzertopia book tour in my backyard, in the neighborhood of Kew Gardens. And not just at any book store, but Kew & Willow.

Forest Hills, next to Kew Gardens, used to have a Barnes & Noble. When it closed, three employees started a Kickstarter page and raised more than $72,000 from 831 people to fund their endeavor: a local bookstore, which opened late in 2017.

The owners of Kew & Willow Books
The owners of Kew & Willow Books

I am still deciding which 20 minute segment I’ll read, followed by what is sure to be a vigorous Q&A.

I am delighted to start engaging publicly with Seltzertopia fans – all you siphonheads – through a local – and new – bookstore, representing the values that are central to the many businesses covered in my book.

10.30.18 | 6:00 PM | Streicker Center at Temple Emanuel of the City of New York | NY, NY

From small to big – Seltzertopia will be hitting the big time – New York City!

You might not have heard of the Streiker Center, but a lot of A-level names have. Check out below a piece from their catalog – Madeline Albright and Dick Cheney (together on the same night), former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (again, together on the same night!). And you see there on the lower left, on page 18? Yes, that’s little old me: ALL ABOUT SELTZER.

And yeah, it feels a little nuts. Strickler AgendaBut I won’t be alone. The food writer and editor Gabriella Gershenson will moderate, and joining me on this panel – All About Seltzer: The Jewish Champagne – will be Alex Gomberg, the newest and youngest seltzer delivery man in the country (and featured in Seltzertopia), and Adeena Sussman, author of the upcoming cookbook Sababa: Fresh Israeli Cooking.

It’s going to be an amazing evening. Below is the page from their catalog for this free event on Oct 30th, or in the original digital catalog (flip through it and check out all their other amazing events). (If you want to attend, be sure to register here.)

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