Marcia wrote me about her memories of her family working for the Southland Beverage Company in Brooklyn:
- My family was from Vilna. My Mother’s three brothers and one brother-in-law worked for
- Southland Beverage Company in Brooklyn during the 1940s, 50s and
- early 60s. I believe that it was in Brownsville. The majority
- owner was a man named Greenstein, maybe Harry. I believe that my
- Uncle Willie Odinetz had a small share of the business. His
- brothers Charlie and Bennie worked there as salesmen as did his
- bother-in-law, Harry Rinestone. I remember the soda water as well
- as the seltzer.
- My most vivid memory is my Uncle Willie telling me not to drink the orange soda because it was “made from paint.” I still can’t drink it to this day.
When I wrote her back I asked, “Made from paint? What was that
about? Just teasing a little kid, or protecting you from something?” She replied:
- I think they really believed that. They were used to seltzer and what does one use to change colors but paint?
Marcia encouraged me to share her email address, Mhlcswc2 AT, because “You never know who will turn up from something like this.” Very true!