I heard today by email from JS of the new Pittsburgh Seltzer Works. Well, new because he just took it over last December, even though it’s been around since 1898. He wrote:
“We still operate a siphon seltzer bottling works here in the steel city. If you ever come across any of the old equipment…bottlers, carbonators, etc…please let me know…folks are enjoying the hand-bottled seltzer, but to keep them happy we are constantly repairing all of the necessary machines. Thanks for the site…it is great…and has been bookmarked for continued reading later. Cheers.”
I am fascinated to learn about a new seltzer bottler, rather than ones going out of business, and look forward to interviewing him for the book.
You can not only learn more on their facebook page but also see how they are using modern technology to build relationships with their customers. This is certainly seltzer for the 21st Century.
Welcome Pittsburgh Seltzer Work!