On February 25h I gave my last pre-pandemic SeltzertopiaLive! And lucky for me, it was at a large gathering with a professional videographer and photographer, so it is WELL documented.

The Covenant Foundation [disclosure: I sit on their board] is a remarkable organization supporting innovations in Jewish education around the country. Once a year they bring together their primary pool of grantees – to make connections, to elevate their work, and generally make magic. It was an honor to present to this illustrious group.

If you want to watch the full unedited presentaiton, you can see it below, filmed by Slawomir Grunberg.
Photos below that are not my own were taken by Ross Den Photography.

Post-note: On the return trip that day I spoke with my friend, Steven, who wasn’t leaving his house and was planning to escape NYC to remote places unknown. He saw the tidal wave of COVID-19 coming. He asked if I thought he was crazy. I said I did. I write this now six weeks later, the last three of which I’ve been locked in my apartment with my family as NYC, and my area of Queens, have become the epicenter of the pandemic and the world around us has slowed to a crawl.