Yesterday I drove up to Congregation Shir Shalom in Ridgefield, CT, to give a presentation to their entire Hebrew School and their parents. What a delight! I had a great time engaging the children with tales of seltzer’s past, scenes from the 3 Stooges, videos of my time with Eli the Seltzer man, and about Sodastream’s vision for a better world.

My favorite part was inviting their teachers up for a blind taste test – to guess the flavors of the flavored seltzers. It’s always so fun because most people most of the time get it wrong – and in this case the class with the teacher get the most right won a pizza party! You can watch the video of the taste test below.
After the talk, the temple worked with The Brooklyn Seltzer Boys to serve seltzer from a real siphon to all the kids. What a treat! And what a great temple to bring such a fun event (if I do say so myself) to their school.

All photos here.