Today I had a great time doing my first talk of 2019 to a home-crowd town, right here at my local library. I had NO idea who many people might come, nor who. We ended up filling the space – half with my peeps from my kids’ school, my temple, my co-op, and lots of old friends (and my family!). It was super fun.

Being in a library is great – I love speaking in a place dedicated to the power of the written word, and to giving access to all. This was also something new for me – I’ve been giving the presentation for months. It was time for me to venture out from behind my computer screen and notes and speak directly to the audience, using my awesome new clicker.
Could I do it the whole time? No, but I took a great step in that direction. It’s scary relying just on my own memory – especially when I love my wordsmithing – but it’s the right way to go. Below are some photos from the event, and the full album can be seen here.