Last week (11.29) I left from work in Manhattan in a rush hour Uber, arrived in Jersey via a tunnel, crawled up the west side of the Hudson, past the George Washington Bridge, through the Palisades (one of my favorite local drives), and arrived *only* a few minutes late to my presentation at the JCC Rockland in Nyack, NY. I hated being late, but my hosts were very patient, as were the lovely audience.
The group of ~55 had a number of things to distract them while waiting for me to set-up. Their neighbors (residential, not business), the Brooklyn Seltzer Boys, supplied their excellent seltzer while a staff member mixed them into egg creams (it’s becoming a trend at my talks now) while a member of the crowd, who I heard drove up from New Jersey, brought her fantastic siphon collection to display (inherited from her father, a former seltzer man).

For all photos, go here.