Today I had a blast being interviewed live today on WNYC‘s All of It by host Alison Stewart. I’ve done a lot of seltzer-loving press in the past decade, but this was my first time doing LIVE media. What a blast! I arrived at the studio, settled into a (not green) green room… and a minute later I was guided into the studio, had a seat, and was on the air! It was so fast, but I dove right in.
Alison was interviewing me in tandem with Alex Gomberg, vice president of Brooklyn Seltzer Boys (and featured in my book, along with his dad), and it was great to tag-team this one together with him. You can listen to the full broadcast here, or just my segment below:
We talked about all sorts of things – the origins of seltzer, how Alex got into the business, how siphons are history etched in glass, and so much more.

See all of the photos here.