In 2018, Team Seltzer went head to head against Team Manischewitz, in my Temple’s annual Purim Debate (a traditional that apparently began in Chicago in 1946). We easily defeated Team Manischewitz and both my partner (Micky) and I figured it had all been settled. Last year, due to COVID, there was no debate, but this year, to our surprise, we were invited back to go up against the winners from all previous years. So this time around it was Team Seltzer vs Team Latkes AND Team Pastrami (Team Matzah Ball had to drop out due to a scheduling conflict).
Now we needed some new material! Since we had delivered one pro-seltzer Purim pitch a few years ago, AND my temple has already seen SeltzertopiaLive! we had to come with something completely new!
Check out the video below and decide for yourself whether we deserved the final outcome (to watch the other Teams, check out the full video here):