Let’s face it – I am someone who LOVES to get in front of a crowd. As much as other people might dread it, public speaking is a drug for me. I get so jazzed every time. But it’s also a challenge – to keep it fresh and keep me on my toes. So on one hand, pivoting SeltzertopiaLive! into a webinar was hard, as I couldn’t see my audience – I couldn’t see their delight, I couldn’t hear them laugh, I couldn’t see when they were bored and I needed to switch it up – but this is the kind of challenge I love. How can I use polls to engage them? How can I get them to connect through the public chat? What could I learn about them and weave that into my talk?
So yeah, presenting “The Untold Story of Seltzer” today, hosted by New York Adventure Club, was certainly different than doing it in person, but I felt like I achieved what I wanted – it was breezy, engaging, playful, informative, and fun. And since we added me leading an at home egg cream mixing, it was also tasty.
Best of all, I didn’t have to leave my home, which also means I can do it again (and I will) when New York Adventure Club is ready to have me back.
I asked at the end: What was one highlight from today? Here are some of the responses:
- Making an egg cream. I made one and it was gooood.
- I’ve learned that seltzer is not just a drink, it’s a lifestyle.
- there’s a secret seltzer group on facebook that i want to find
- the proper way to make an eggcream
- It was very interesting that it took like 10 years to complete the book! Perseverance…
- Highlight for me is seeing where seltzer originated in Germany
- Health benefits.
Until then, here’s some fun photos from the event.