After a decade of researching and writing the book, it’s done. With tremendous help this past year from many people, particularly my wife, Noemi, and friend, Julie, I finished writing (what I am now calling and hoping to stick with) Seltzertopia: The Effervescent Age.
I haven’t written much on the blog in recent years – my time has been split between the book itself and the Facebook group. But if I hope to return here one day, then I figured I had to mark this remarkable moment.
I have written this book three times. The first was just to figure out the chronological history of seltzer (boring). The second was an attempt to shape this history into a narrative (forced). The third attempt – inspired by the Pittsburgh Seltzer Work – took me to the end (I love it!).
And now that writing is over (I don’t pretend I am done – I am sure edits are down the road) it’s time to start sending it out to agents and publishers.
We’re in a new phase. And after being in and out of writing for so long, now I am facing something new. And it’s exciting.
And that begins renaming this blog. It is now Seltzertopia: The Effervescent Age. Give Me Seltzer has served me well, but it’s time to move on as the book has found its voice.
It’s Done