I am currently having a blast on Google Books, which is Google’s efforts to digitize and make available the word’s books. It’s pretty remarkable.
I can download as PDF or to text search online for this important study from 1804: A treatise on the internal use of the natural and factitious waters of Carlsbad, Marienbad, Ems, &c. &c
Author Friedrich Ludwig Kreysig
I am specifically interested in this work as it documents the medicinal uses of spas. That is, to what extend doctors, the write included, used spas as a form of medicinal treatment, and for what exactly.
One of the amazing things about Google Books is that it will create a word cloud for you of the entire book, using only the most common phrases, making those most used larger. I was fascinated by the book’s cloud below given all the numerous health conditions referenced. How many can you find?
Or click here to see a larger version.
German Spas of 1804 and Medicinal Purposes