For the first time, I got to ask for my book at a bookstore

For the first time, I got to ask for my book at a bookstore

I know, I know – Seltzertopia is not coming out until next month. But I was in a Barnes & Nobles today and it struck me: I could ask for my book! That was an exciting realization.

I went to Customer Service and didn’t tell them I was an author or, actually, that I knew much about it. Just that I heard there was a new book coming out, and did they have it in yet.

I had to spell it for them twice (until they got it, said “Oh, seltzer-topia,” and laughed) and said it was not yet in but on order for October 15th.


They would definitely has some copies in, they assured me. That was thrilling to hear.

She then asked me if I wanted a print-out about it. (Oh, would I ever!)

So below is the top of that print-out, from Barnes & Nobles Store Number 3304 (Scarsdale):

So yes, very exciting. But maybe you also noticed what I noticed: Cookbooks. And lots of all-purpose. I’m not sure what all-purpose is (let alone, “ALL-PURPOSE, All-Purpose, All-Purpose”), but I definitely know what a Cookbook is. And yes, there are some recipes in the back, but I sure hope Seltzertopia finds it’s right category (somewhere among cultural history, topical, Judaica, and best sellers).

So now I need your help – the next time you are in your local book store, please go in and 1. ask them if they have Seltzertopia in stock (this will get it on their radar) and 2. ask what section you can expect to find it in (then let me know!). Help spread the seltzer love!

Finally, here’s a photo of my daughter and I once we looked at the sheet.

Author and daugher


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