Why is seltzer having a moment? And where did seltzer come from? These questions and more are addressed in this great new journalistic video about seltzer (and great NOT just because I am featured in it, and helped them with their history, graphs, and image/video research). It is presented withRead More →

Yesterday I was at the Future of StoryTelling festival, which, among fantastic virtual reality experiences and interactive theater, offered roaming creative acts. Which is how I found myself at the POEMS To Order station, ordering a seltzer-themed poem. Sitting in the field, on this unusually mid-70s warm October day, itRead More →

Remember These Days, by Frederic Menou, Galen Clarke, and Marian Liu, promoted on MSN.com, is a new and fantastic video on Walter Backerman, one of the most famous active seltzermen. This is probably the best seltzer videos I have seen. For Walter Backerman, seltzer is more than a drink. ItRead More →

Frank in Queens mailed me this wonderful piece of Jewish cultural history from 1981 – the cartoon book Up From Seltzer: A Handy Guide to 4 Jewish Generations.Read More →

Sexy seltzer? Who would have thunk it. Well, I learned more than I expected from the following Israeli email I just received.Read More →

I was up late last night, a little TOO late, completing the edits to my first podcast for GiveMeSeltzer.com. I’ve been involved in web design for over ten years now and I have to say I haven’t felt anything like this since I launched that first web site back inRead More →