The Event of the Season, of course! Brooklyn SeltzerFest 2025 celebrates everything related to (non-alcoholic) seltzer water and related effervescent topics, an event filled with vendors, activities, dynamic presenters, music, and exciting competitions. Brooklyn SeltzerFest is produced by the Brooklyn Seltzer Museum, a new non-profit cultural institution dedicated to preservingRead More →

Part of the crowd in Little Neck.

Last night I had a first – I was invited to present SeltzertopiaLive! at Congregation L’Dor V’Dor (Oakland Little Neck Jewish Center) in their sukkah! During this week of Sukkot, the temple had a lovely sukkah constructed outside their social hall. We had dinner outside (on this crazy warm mid-OctoberRead More →

A good time was had by all last night, at Temple Beth Torah, in Melville. That’s Long Island, NY for the uninitiated. A lovely crowd of 50 came out for a post-service dinner and talk. Thank you Ben’s Deli for the amazing pastrami sandwich! I gave the standard spiel andRead More →

This week I traveled to the Chizuk Amuno Congregation, which is right outside Baltimore. A special event was prepared for around 50 high school students, all for SeltzertopiaLive! It was fun to revisit all of my material from a youth lens. All the hard seltzer material, about White Claw –Read More →

A miniature seltzer bottle infron of a blurred-out audience

At last, after 30 months, my presentation based on my book, Seltzertopia, is back in person! During the pandemic I gave many online talks, which I enjoyed. And they worked. But there’s nothing like seeing people’s faces in front of you when you make them laugh, or surprise them, orRead More →

Six people in costumes posting for a photo

In 2018, Team Seltzer went head to head against Team Manischewitz, in my Temple’s annual Purim Debate (a traditional that apparently began in Chicago in 1946). We easily defeated Team Manischewitz and both my partner (Micky) and I figured it had all been settled. Last year, due to COVID, thereRead More →

Screen shot of a zoom window with people holding up egg creams

Seltzertopia has always sold well in Boston, often landing as #3, yet in all these years I have never been invited to speak in the region. That is, until now. A week ago the Sisterhood of Temple Emunah, in Lexington, invited me in for an afternoon event. I was thrilledRead More →

Women on Zoom

This week I delivered Seltzertopia Live! to two communities, both remote, to membership-only events for Temple Sisterhoods. I really thought, when the pandemic hit, that was it for my seltzer talks. But people need to be entertained – especially during these tough times – and seltzer often fits the billRead More →


When the pandemic hit, I figured after two good years it was time to pack up my road show for my book, Seltzertopia. I thought my book tour would finally go flat. Boy, was I wrong. Yes, during the past year I gave a number of online presentations – andRead More →