The Nosher’s Eric Ginsburg recently wrote a lovely piece, largely focused on the Brooklyn Seltzer Boys, profiled in Seltzertopia, entitled, “Seltzer is Having a Moment: How an old-school favorite became a multibillion-dollar industry.” I was happy to provide seltzer background on the piece, and add commentary on Alex Gomberg’s amazingRead More →

The news site Vox published an article “How we stopped counting calories and learned to love Spindrift: This popular seltzer has a few calories. It says a lot about how we think about health today.” Written by Rachel Sugar, the long-form piece has a section, “The Great Seltzer Resurgence,” thatRead More →

I’m so excited CBS Sunday Morning News re-aired this morning this seltzer piece from last November. Yes, I was delighted they tackled the topic late fall, but it makes SO much sense to re-air it to reinforce our Summer of Seltzer. So, new CBS viewers clicking here for the firstRead More →

Barry with crowd

Last night was an amazing night taking SeltzertopiaLive! to Great Barrington, in the western-Massachusetts wonderland otherwise known as the Berkshires. Kicking off their Jewish Book festival, it was a pure delight being welcomed by this amazing community and enjoying not just their after-event egg creams but drinking seltzer miraculously providedRead More →

This past Tuesday I was presenting back in my hometown of Forest Hills, NY. My neighbor Doria arranged for me to speak to the Sisterhood at the Forest Hills Jewish Center, the local Conservative Synagogue where my daughter went to pre-school oh so many year ago. It was fun toRead More →

On July 16th, I will present locally at the Forest Hills Jewish Center, sponsored by the Sisterhood. All women – and men – are welcome to come join us. This is currently the only local event scheduled for 2019 (although I’m confident there will be more to come).Read More →

This weekend was my first time visiting Columbus, Ohio. I have always heard it was a city with fine food, contemporary art, and good people; I’m glad to report at every turn it failed to disappoint. This event was my first one in association with a Museum – The ColumbusRead More →

The Sisterterhood of Beit Yisrael not only invited me out to Morristown, New Jersey to speak at their 100+ year old congregation, but also to their Sisterhood meeting itself. So after thanking the board from the previous year, the new slate of leaders were elected (I had no say inRead More →