I got an email today that I enjoyed and though I would pass on:
I found your website – not sure if i have any stories but i was a seltzerman – a real one –
my family started in Asbury Park NJ – 1906 – we filled and distributed seltzer – real seltzer trucks.
of course Fox’s U-bet Choc syrup also distributed dr browns celray, Hammer Beverages.
Bought seltzer bottles from Bronx Siphon Supplies – if you have any questions about seltzer.
maybe I may have interesting insight.
Hope to hear from you.
Morton Popok – many times I called out seltzerman!
by the way seltzer is in my blood
Wasn’t that lovely. In a follow-up email her reported:
have you been to a seltzer station
Gomberg? at one time all the ny seltzermen had their bottles filled their – I of course did not
because we filled are own bottles – at one time we use the single foot machine that you have pictured on
your site – one bottle at a time, then we found a automatic syphon filler – it must have been 50 years old –
schlepped it back to the jersey shore – it was heavy – came from downtown Pitt Street.