A new type of siphon: Bariloche Seltzer

A new type of siphon: Bariloche Seltzer

Big thanks to Maureen for turning me on to a new type of seltzer siphon inspired by Argentinian practices: the recycled plastic bottle converted to seltzer siphon.
From their site:

Bariloche is named after San Carlos de Bariloche which is a city in the province of Río Negro, Argentina, situated in the foothills of the Andes. The name Bariloche comes from the Mapudungun word Vuriloche meaning “people from behind the mountain” (furi = behind, che = people).
Bariloche is the only seltzer in the United States to come in a recyclable plastic siphon bottle. Since this bottle is never opened, the seltzer can stay fresh for months as opposed to a capped bottle which loses its carbonation within a few days of opening.
Bariloche comes in a 2 liter bottle and a case contains 6 bottles

Unlike traditional siphons, which you can only get direct from the handful of delivery men or bottling plants which remain, these can be purchased from stores, listed on their site.
If you drink Bariloche, please post a review!

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