Seltzertopia Live! Does Double-Duty in Rhode Island

Seltzertopia Live! Does Double-Duty in Rhode Island

I recently traveled to the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island in Providence, Rhode Island, for An Evening of Jewish Renaissance, their annual event offering an evening of cultural events, largely built around authors and their books.

It’s wonderful for the community: a one-night invasion of inspiring and fascinating content, across multiple sessions, where participants can choose which to attend and when. For me, however, it meant I was not only in competition with my fellow authors for audience but I also couldn’t check out their wonderful offerings as well (like going to a candy store and having to stand in a corner selling Snickerbars when all you really want to do is go shopping!).

This is how I promoted by two offerings:

Seltzer: A Recipe for Delight

Put over a decade of seltzer research into a room. Fill with a dash of nostalgia, a slice of history, and a helping of personal interest stories. Squeeze in a spritz of Pamplemousse and Unicorn Kisses. Sprinkle with seltzer poems, health recommendations, and ethnic identity. Stir once and serve. Drink before the foam disappears.

Dramatic Readings from Seltzertopia, in 2 Parts

Part 1: The Egg Cream Mafia: “The only thing keeping the mafia hit man from the 13-year old soda jerk was an egg cream…”

Part 2: Bring Me Your Empties! “Spend a day traveling Brooklyn with Eli the Seltzer Man, the oldest in the country.”

On the plus side, I got to mix things up – offering my road show one hour then doing a straight-up book reading during the next. Also, a local friend, Joyce, came by, who I hadn’t seen in years, who showed me the Providence night-life , which was wonderful.

When I arrived my train in Providence, Marilyn from the JCC met me with a sign I could NOT miss.
Larry, the event coordinator, and his wife Marilyn were gracious and generous hosts.
I’m soaking in the seltzer vibe.
It was a comfy couch for doing a reading straight from the book.
Emboss it, baby!


A unique thing about this event was getting to connect with 2 from my cohort of 50 from last spring’s JBC Network’s 2-minutes-or-die mega-pitch session. Here I am with Jonathan Weisman of (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump and Catherine Price of How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life


With fellow JBC Network authors Jonathan Weisman of (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump and Catherine Price of How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan to Take Back Your Life
My friend Joyce, who lives one foot in the future, has an awesome license plate.
We went to a coffee shop and saw this great band, SkyJelly. Note the bassist on the right then read on.
And here is a member of SkyJelly sporting his new copy of the book!

For all the image please go here.


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