MSNBC’s Millenial-focused Make It posted today both a video and an article about the history of seltzer and the rise of hard seltzers, both including me.

After calling me “The guy who wrote THE book on seltzer” I got to deliver my 4 Beats of Seltzer History (below). I loved how they illustrated this. I then say some words about LaCroix.

There’s then an article, on the same topic, but is it’s own piece, I think using the unused video as the source for this separate article. This is the part where I contributed:
Seltzers have been a popular drink choice for consumers looking to lead a healthier lifestyle since the 1980s, according to Barry Joseph, the author of “Seltzertopia,” a 2018 book chronicling the history of seltzer. But the trend really started gaining more traction in the popular conscience in recent years with the explosion of interest in brands like LaCroix from millennials and on social media, Joseph tells CNBC Make It.
“A few years ago is when people started really pushing flavored seltzers in a new way and found new ways to market them to millennials and using tools like social media to find new audiences and new markets,” Joseph says. “In many ways, it was redefining what seltzer meant for a new generation….”
You can watch the full video or read the full article here. One of my favorite parts of the video shoot was having the opportunity to take my kids with me. They were off school and I thought it might be fun for them to see a studio.

Where Barry is, is ahead 🙂